Friday, September 7, 2018

Feedback Strategies

Point Out Anything That Is Confusing

This was an informative read. It allows you to understand the importance of asking questions and allowing the author to understand that what they wrote may have not been the most clear.

I think this would be helpful for myself, because sometimes when I'm writing I may get ahead of myself and forget to add in an important detail in the story.

So anyone pointing anything out that may be confusing to them will be helpful.

Show Appreciation For The Details

Appreciating the little details that one may put into their story can be super helpful as well as a confidence booster.

I know for myself, adding in little details can be difficult, because you never know if the little details are helpful or if they are just extra words that don't need to be there.

Showing appreciation for the small details may help the reader feel like they made a good call on adding in the extra scene or adding "flowery" words to a certain conversation.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Braley! I am glad you are finding useful ideas in the feedback articles... starting in Week 4, you will be putting the ideas into practice!
    I wanted to comment on your article because Pixabay is one of those sites that does not allow you to remote link to their images, but if you use the download/upload strategy for Blogger images, it will work; here is the step by step info: Upload the Images You Use in Blogger. That method works every time, and for sites like Pixabay, it is the only method that will work.


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