Thursday, August 23, 2018

Growth Mindset

Before watching these videos, I had never heard of Carol Dweck or the idea of growth mindset. It's amazing to learn about how much of an impact that words can have on yourself and others. How you perceive yourself and your abilities can help you understand and navigate your way through life and difficult decisions that you may have to endure one day.

A whole new idea was brought to my attention when watching the video, titled, "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone", because it brings up a new way that you should be feeling when completing a task. You always feel good when you complete a task, but if it was easy it wasn't challenging you. Carol mentioned that "if it's easy, then you probably already knew how to do it."

                                    Image result for growth mindset quotes

I thinking that having a positive mindset that helps you strive towards your goals will allow you to create ways to help you meet and exceed your standards and expectations!

Being a college student it is easy to become distracted and discouraged when things don't always work out how you had expected to them. When you allow yourself to become discouraged and unmotivated it hinders your growth as a student as well as a person. It's important that you have a positive mindset going into each day so that you are able to continue to work hard and accomplish your goals.

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