Having a positive growth mindset is something that I struggle with at times. It's important to stay positive and to make sure that what you are doing is helping you work towards your goals.
After graduating, I hope to attend Occupational Therapy school, but at times I become anxious about the future. Which schools should I apply to? is the question that has been on my mind here lately.
With the stress of school and assignments that seem to be never ending, I think it's important to take a step back and make sure your priorities are in line. At times I feel as if I am failing at everything I do, but it's important to remember that you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Photo Source:You Can If You Think You Can
Hi Braley! I am so glad you want to explore the growth mindset materials. School can be so stressful, and thinking about your own beliefs can help you break free of other people's expectations and assumptions. One reason thinking about mindset BEYOND school is helpful is that when we are doing things not for a grade or for a degree (like cooking or dancing or sports or whatever your hobbies might be), we are usually not so hard on ourselves. If we can just be as patient with our learning in school as we are with our hobbies or sports and so on, that can really help sometimes! :-)